Weaving with an Assistant
It's been a busy week, starting with the Highland Games & new kitties last Sunday, compounded by the beginning of an intermediate weaving class on Thursday. The kitties are a welcome but time-consuming family addition. Nuzzles, Lord of the Underworld (downstairs where kids have taken up residence) likes to come up for playtime but still needs supervision with my new babies. He doesn't know his own strength, being somewhat of a kitten yet himself.
The kitties are thriving. I doubt that they're actually litter-mates. Angus seems much more of a baby than Annabelle, who is a very busy young lady. They're so sweet when they're sleeping.
Annabelle has enjoyed helping with the tri-loom shawl that we started at the Highland Games. The weaving is now complete, the shawl fulled & drying. All of the folks who had a hand in its making will get a chance to win it in a drawing. Wish me luck!
Hi Yvonne - that shawl is looking PRETTY cool! How are the edges finished off? Looks like you have a willing assistant there - (mine are most helpful if I want to wrap a package...)
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