Peace Arch Spin-In, & Scrapie, OPP & Nose Bots, Oh My
A wonderful day was had last weekend as we gathered with spinners from British Columbia, for the Peace Arch Spin - In. Weather was perfect, company was delightful as always, and we came home with a few treasures.
My time lately has been spent perusing books in preparation for bringing home animals to our little farm. This is an entire new venture for me. We've had dogs, cats, rats, a lizard and a bunny in the years that the kids were growing up. Never sheep, chickens or camelids.
I inherited a lovely flock of homing pigeons - white ones, which the previous owner here released at weddings, funerals, etc., and some of them have chosen not to move with her to her new home. We are all quite comfortable together now, and I think the birdies are getting used to Doug & me as caretakers. But sheep? The photo you see is not the entire collection of books that I've been reading in an attempt to avoid disaster. But really, it's getting scary. There are things I'd never heard of - Scrapie, OPP, and Nose Bots, Oh My.
The sheep we've bought are California Variegated Mutant - my favorite to spin, as it's incredibly soft & springy, and comes in a lovely array of colors. So we have coming Lucy and Ethel, two ewes who should be presenting us with a few little bundles of joy in December, and Stella & Daisy (named after my grandmothers), two ewe lambs. As soon as the fence is working, they'll be coming home.
Congratulations on getting sheep! Lucky you. I've only spun a sample of CVM once, but I understand why you would choose that breed. I'll look forward to all your posts about this.
That colorful roving looks like a collection of sweet confections rather than wool. Yum.
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