Sunday, February 26, 2006

Crash & Burn

My Knitting Olympics project is still living in a bag. I've frogged back second time now, and am ready to try a third time on the raglan armholes. I'm hoping they'll fit this time. I've gone down a pattern size & also a needle size, so we'll see how this works. Robin has been busy with school & tonight was her first chance this week to get over for a fitting. The sweater will fit when it's done, and that's my priority, even if I missed out on the Olympics time frame. I did, however, manage to finish a WIP - Estonian Lace scarf, and also figured out the cast-on for the Moebius scarf. Well, I suppose I should correct that comment - it's not that I *understand* it, so much as I was able to follow the directions & get it on the needles & in progress.

It was great fun to knit along with the athletes in the Olympics. I found myself cheering just as much for our Canadian friends as for our own. Their talent & determination was great to see.

Well, back to my knitting. . .


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