Old Barn, New Location
Well, on Friday, the barn finally got moved. The old barn is now situated to the southeast of our house, and should provide a great shelter for when the sheep are in the near pasture. In the midst of the relocation, we were quite surprised to have snow again, this time blowing sideways. Lots of it. Doug is quite certain that he heard the blackbirds on the wires asking, "What the Hell???? What the Hell???? What the Hell????" Fortunately the snow didn't start until Saturday. On Sunday, after a break, we were able to get the supplies moved in, straw bedding in place and the sheep situated.
It was funny, looking at the perplexed expression on the animals' faces as they went into the barn, discovering that the view from the back end was entirely different. I could nearly see question marks above their heads. But they caught on. . . especially when food became involved. The birds took a bit longer. They flew as a flock, circling, making figure-eights, and then finally honed in on their new location after a couple of chilly nights.
Our little ram, Bacchus, is growing up. He is, as my friend Janice would say, looking at the girls "in that special way". As soon as the new barn is done, we can start the fences. Soon, I hope.