Saturday, March 01, 2008


I’ve gone to Sew Expo every year except one, for the last eleven years. Most of those years have been with sewing/knitting/spinning friend Janice. I’ve heard many times that this is one of the very best of its kind in the country. Vendors come from all over, with lots of information to share. We usually take a few classes & always come home with lots of enthusiasm & ideas, patterns, fabric & yarn. I just wish they could sell time there, too.

Janice tried out a few brands of embellishment machines. These are like sewing machines that have, instead of a single needle, multiple barbed needles that go up and down. There is no bobbin - no thread is involved. All the machine does is to puncture fabric, pushing bits of fiber (often wool or mohair - sometimes other fabric) through a base fabric, entangling the web into a single layer.

We also stopped by the Philosopher’s Wool booth, always my favorite. I have three (four?) sweater kits at home to prove it. It was Janice’s turn, this year, to bring home a kit. She has recently lost 33 lbs, and is deserving of a new sweater to keep her warm whilst she sits at her daughter’s soccer games & practices. I think the red/purple stripes are quite flattering on her.

Janice also tried on a sample from Park Bench Pattern Co. This is their Sentinal Peak Park, pattern #11, which I also think looks quite stunning. I tried on their Chesapeake Bay, pattern #25, which I bought. Now to find just the perfect fabric. . . it’s gotta be in the stash somewhere.

The Sheeple

are growing every day, and Ithought you might like to see an update. I just think these little ones are the cutest things I’ve ever seen. Don (short for “Adonis”) is the white ram, and Athena is the white/brown badger face ewe. And they’re so sweet. . .


Blogger Dorothy said...

Of course it's great - it's sponsored by WSU! Of course, WSU has been keeping me so busy I just didn't make it this year - but I will for sure next year. We'll have to meet up for lunch. There we go - "Let's do lunch" a year from now! Oh, and the sheepies are SO cute.

6:38 AM  

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