Welcome Home, Boys!
*Finally*, the fences are done. We brought home our two alpaca dudes, Monk & Teeger, a couple weeks ago. They have settled in well and were joined by our two rams, Adonis & Bacchus. The goat boys will be coming soon to fill up the back pasture. What a wonderful assortment of fiber guys! The photos are of our back yard with Monk, and the goaties with their Mommy, who has raised them with such love & care. We can hardly wait to get our two of them home, too.
Last month we put 2 1/2 of our ewes together with Adonis & Bacchus so we are hoping for some lovely little lambs in January/February. . . that is, unless Helena already had a little bun in the oven. . . which would mean October/November. I say 2 1/2 ewes because although we put Pebbles in with Adonis (“Don”), she didn’t seem to be his type. . . or maybe she hadn’t quite weaned her ewe lamb from last year & just wasn’t cycling yet. But then you never know. I think it’s safe to say that we could be having two to six lambs. CVM/Romeldales often twin, but since Anemarie & Helena are newbies at this, it’s more likely they’ll have singles. I can hardly wait to see what we get. . . hopefully not all rams.
Here is a photo of Athena, the most vocal of our sheep. I think I caught her smiling.
We’re heading to OFFF (Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival) soon so I’ll try to report from there. Happy Knitting!
I have been reading your blog and its so neat! Your animals are beautiful too!! I hope you have a good day!
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