Friday, October 07, 2005

Faroese Shawl Finished!

The shawl is all done and the hat's finished, too. There's a textural difference - the Giant Squid Hat went to spend some time in the washing machine after stretching so terribly - but I think they'll still work together. I did pick up stitches on the inside of the hat band, and knitted a ribbed wool facing to tighten up the band. At least now it will stay on my head. :-)

The pattern for this shawl is "Catharina" in STAHLMAN'S SHAWLS & SCARVES. The shawls in this book are knit top-down, and have shoulder shaping which hugs the body. It is mostly garter stitch, which, as I *now* remember, stretches significantly. I had planned that the shawl would cover my behind, and yes, I did measure & "guesstimate" where I would need to begin the lace pattern. Now that it's finished & off the needles, it comes down to my knees. Gravity strikes again, but I do love the length. It's surprisingly light weight & warm.


Blogger Judith said...

Beautiful! I am shawl obsessed right now. Once you start knitting lace it seems you can't stop. I started with cotton, eased into laceweight and am now working on my first cobweb! keep up the good work!

Judith Gagnon

5:43 AM  
Blogger Evelyn said...

Another lace-obsessed Knitter here! (arm waving enthusiastically)Your shawl is just lovely. I am also preparing to do my first cob-web Shetland lace as well. Thanks for your kind words on my blog about my pi shawl.

9:35 AM  
Blogger violetflamedream said...

Hi, Yvonne. Your faroese shawl is lovely. About how many yards of yarn did you use? Did you spin a laceweight, or was it more like a fingering?
--Kathy in Hollywood

1:58 PM  

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